How to Contribute?
Thank you for your interest in contributing data to the Women in Biology Speakers List hosted by the Women in Science and Engineering (WiSE) group at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
To incorporate your data into our current database we will need it formatted as a csv file containing the following fields:

- “Lname” and “Fname”: Last and first name of the female speaker to be added to the list
- “Institution”: Institution of affiliation of the female speaker
- “Country”: Country of origin of the female speaker
- “Contributing”: This qualifies the organization or institution which provided the name of the female speaker to be added to the database
- “Year”: This defines the year at which the talk was given
- “Keywords”: There is no pool of keywords. The selected keywords should fit the topics of the talk that was given or the focus of the work of a given female speaker
Each individual contributing organization develops independent selection criteria to produce a list of qualified female speakers. Our goal is to provide a list of established and newly introduced female scientists who have given at least one public-facing talk at a conference, institutional symposium, or equivalent event.
These criteria are approved by the founding organizations prior to integration with the full database. Submissions are however the responsibility of the contributing organization(s) and publication of the proposed list of female scientists does not imply endorsement by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory of the selection criteria.
Please note that by providing this data you are releasing its contents to a public audience; we assume that speakers are informed at the time of their presentations that their information may be released in such a manner.
In addition, please provide a logo which we may incorporate onto the WiBSL main page as well as a twitter or other social media handle/account which we may use to announce our collaboration.